Annuity of the Week: Global Atlantic’s Choice Accumulation II

Choice Accumulation II is a single premium Fixed Index Annuity (FIA) that offers both upside potential and downside market protection.

  • Minimum Premium:  $25,000
  • Issue Ages:  0-85 (MAX issue age of 75 for enhanced DB)
  • Annual contract fee:  n/a
  • Enhanced DB fee:  0.50%
  • Annual Roll up (Enhanced DB):  7% (simple) for 15 years 

With Choice Accumulation II (FIA), the contract value is tied to one or more interest crediting strategies selected by the client. Initial rates, index caps and spreads are declared when the contract is issued and are guaranteed for the first strategy term, but can be adjusted for future strategy terms. Strategy terms vary by the interest crediting strategy. Rates and caps will never be less than the minimum guaranteed interest rate or index cap described in the contract.

This product also offers an optional enhanced death benefit (annual cost of 0.50%), which provides a guaranteed roll-up of 7% (simple) for 15 years.

Do you have any clients with legacy planning needs, who are potentially uninsurable, or are simply looking for more upside potential than a Fixed Annuity/CD?  Give us a call today!  973-435-3784

To see a fixed index annuity illustration, e-mail the following details to

  • Client name:
  • DOB:
  • Premium:
  • State:
  • Qualified/NQ:
  • Optional Enhanced DB: Y/N