Termsetter ROP Reprice with Age Range Updates

Effective June 16, 2021, these updated rates reflect the new nonforfeiture interest rate. Issue age ranges have also been revised for all ROP term periods:

Key Features

  • 20-, 25-, and 30-year guaranteed term period options
  • Convertible to an eligible permanent insurance product at the earlier of age 70 or the end of the term period
  • Minimum death benefit amounts of $25,000
  • Rates based on actual age
  • Non-cigarette tobacco users are eligible for nonsmoker rates
  • Applicable in all states except DC and NY

Revised Age Ranges

  • 20-year: ages 18-60
  • 25-year: ages 18-55
  • 30-year: ages 18-50

Accelerated Underwriting and Drop Ticket options are available on Termsetter ROP: