International Travel – Travel restrictions for COVID-19 expired on December 31, 2020. Nationwide is back to ”business as usual” with their international underwriting guidelines, effective January 1, 2021.
COVID-19 Vaccines – Underwriting for proposed insureds who have received the COVID-19 vaccine is staying “business as usual” whether they have had one or both doses of the vaccine. To further clarify, Nationwide is not taking adverse underwriting actions based solely on COVID-19 vaccination status.
COVID-19 Exposure – Underwriting for proposed insureds who have been exposed to COVID-19 but have not had any symptoms for 14 days or include a negative COVID-19 test are eligible as “Otherwise Qualifies” with a Good Health Statement.
COVID-19 Positive Test Results – Underwriting for proposed insureds who have had a positive test for COVID-19 without hospitalization will be postponed for 30 days. Nationwide no longer requires 2 negative COVID-19 tests after recovery. This includes their CareMatters® product, but please note that the postponement period without hospitalization for CareMatters is 60 days.
Click Here – for Nationwide’s most recent COVID-19 FAQs for answers to commonly asked questions about doing Life business with Nationwide.