Pacific Life’s temporary COVID-19 underwriting guidelines are being lifted, effective 6/30/21
Their NEW accelerated underwriting program for PL Promise, PL Swift Sailing, can help your clients obtain up to $2 million in life insurance coverage with a faster, predictable underwriting process that requires no medical exams, needles, fluids, or attending physician statements!
- Ages 18-60
- Up to $2 million of coverage
- In good health with full disclosure of the proposed insured’s medical history
- Evidence of routine medical care in the past 3 years
- No formal or informal application with Pacific Life in the past year
- Not previously rated or declined
- Standard or better rate classes (no nicotine use and nicotine use)
- Submit by electronic ticket
- Available on PL Promise Term 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, or 30-year level premium periods