Carrier News Bulletin: 2/14/2019 – 2/20/2019


Select-a-Term Reprice.

Reprice focuses on improving rates for longer term durations and death benefit amounts $250k+ for certain issue ages and risk classes. The rate changes will include increases and decreases in certain cells. View


American National

Managing your|New Business.

Have you experienced all the ways your|New Business allows you to manage new and pending life and annuity applications? View



In-Force Rate Action Announcements:
• California non-Partnership: Pre-PCS, PCS I, PCS II, Choice 1, CADE, CA-Reprice, Unbundled
Effective 02/19/2019


Mutual of Omaha

Rate Adjustments Effective May 1, 2019.

Mutal of Omaha will be implementing a long-term care rate adjustment on May 1, 2019. View