Guggenheim’s Preserve MYGA 3
Guggenheim’s Preserve MYGA 3 is a single premium, multi-year guaranteed annuity with a 3 year interest rate guarantee and a 3 year surrender charge period.
- Minimum Premium: $10,000
- Max Issue Age: 90
- Annual Contract Fee: N/A
- Free Withdrawal Amount: 10% after year 1
- Surrender Charge Period: 3 years
3 Year Rate
Not Available in NY, VI
Waivers: Terminal Illness Waiver, Annuitization Waiver, MVA, Nursing Home Waiver
Premium Banding: 4.00% ($10k +), 4.10% ($250k +) [Rates decreasing by 30 BPs 8/1/2022]
Do you have clients looking for a higher return than their local bank CD? Time to get their money off the sidelines. Give us a call today! 973-435-3784
To see an annuity illustration, e-mail the following details to
- Client name:
- DOB:
- Premium:
- State:
- Qualified/NQ: