It takes everyone…

Download our “Life Insurance Process” under our “Helpful PDFs” section in the main nav.

LTC Planning and Positioning with Mutual of Omaha.

Join us for an informational webinar with Mutual of Omaha’s John Gibbons. Covering topics such as: -How to have the Conversation. -Why NOT to Self-Fund an LTC Event. –LTC Statistics. –Cost of Care and impact to client’s Family & Finances –Simple 3-Step LTC Sales Process. –Review of Traditional LTC Products–Secure Care and Custom Care. –Tax […]

Product, pricing and underwriting changes

May 5, 2014 Effective May 19, 2014, there will be several changes to our product and pricing on the Custom Care III and Custom Care III featuring Benefit Builder products. Additionally, we will be introducing a shortened application and revised underwriting process. Please read this Newslink for more important information on application and transition guidelines.