April 18, 2013
Madison Brokerage Case Study
Madison Brokerage offers agents, brokers and trusted advisors single source capability for acquiring new life insurance, life insurance policy settlements and premium financing. Our experience and expertise in these areas can serve as a valuable tool to assist you in identifying and implementing opportunities you might not otherwise be aware of. When you present these strategies to your clients you are providing them with unique, unrivaled value.
- Case Study:
- 69-year-old male
- Five expired Preferred term policies converted to UL
- $2,500,000 need for new coverage
- Impaired health risk
- Need Standard Non-Smoker rate
Madison Brokerage recommended the policies be converted to UL policies and sold in the secondary market. As for replacement coverage, it was determined that the client pursue $2,000,000 in UL coverage, and $500,000 in term coverage. The new life policies were simultaneously underwritten, and Madison Brokerage obtained a Standard Non- Smoker rate with a carrier that offered an underwriting credit program. The five, converted term policies generated $150,000 in commissions. The sale of five newly converted policies created $300,000 in commissions, and the new $2,500,000 coverage produced $140,000 in commissions. By converting the five expiring policies and selling them and obtaining new, more efficient coverage for the client, the broker not only provided a valuable service but also netted close to $600,000 in commissions.
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