Important Product Updates from Lincoln Financial

  • On September 12, 2016, in response to persistently low interest rates, we will update the Lincoln LifeGuarantee UL product which will require higher premiums on new sales. The current version of the product will sunset on October 14, 2016 in approved states.
  • Effective October 9, 2016, current Cost of Insurance (COI) rates are being changed on some Legend Series Universal Life policies issued by Jefferson Pilot (now The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company) between the years 1999 and 2007. While the majority of these changes are increases, some policyholders will also see decreases, reflecting Lincoln’s commitment to acting fairly and responsibly. It should be noted that a large percentage of those policyholders with a COI increase have a lapse protection rider or provision which remains in effect.

CLICK HERE to view the Full Announcement

CLICK HERE to view the Lincoln LifeGuarantee UL Reprice Annoucnement

CLICK HERE to view the Lincoln Cost of Insurance Changes Announcement