Using Life Insurance For Your Client’s Smart Money

Using Life Insurance For Your Client’s Smart Money

Smart money is money your clients want to control and be able to access during times of need. Permanent life insurance can immediately leverage a single premium into a larger death benefit. The smart money concept is an opportunity for you to show your clients the value of death benefit protection along with the potential to build cash value growth while preserving access to as much cash value as possible.

The Optimal Product: North American’s Rapid Builder IUL

This is one of the most popular products for the smart money concept. The Waiver of Surrender Charge Option can provide peace of mind in knowing that funds are available even in the early years. Designed without premium loads, this product has the potential to generate cash value quickly.

NA Table v5

With smart money concept using permanent life insurance, your clients gain three powerful benefits:
1. Death benefit protection: The generally income tax-free proceeds could help a family continue, or the funds may be used to pass on a legacy.
2. Cash value growth: Your clients have an opportunity to build cash value for financial needs down the road.
3. Access to funds: Life insurance offers cash surrender value that is available for unexpected or immediate needs. Funds may be taken as loans or withdrawals for any reason.

Client Profile:
• Between 50 and 80 years old.
• Has a need for life insurance (often includes a desire to leave a legacy for heirs).
• Has funds that are not meeting current needs (funds may be in savings, annuities, Certificates of Deposit (CDs), or other vehicles).
• Desires the potential for cash value growth with limited exposure to cash value loss.
o Unhappy with current returns of other vehicles.
o Someone who recently inherited money.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Using Life Insurance for Smart Money
CLICK HERE to view the North American Smart Money Agent Guide
CLICK HERE to learn more about North American’s Rapid Builder IUL