The Power of 10% Simple Interest

Your clients’ income base can DOUBLE in 10 years with an Income Base Guaranteed Simple Interest Rate of 10%

It doesn’t have to stop at year 10. Clients receive a 10% roll-up rate for 10 years and 5% for the next 10 years that’s credited to the Income Base—guaranteed. That’s up to 20 years of outstanding growth!


Guaranteed Simple Interest During the Accumulation Period

Athene AscentSM 10 products give you the opportunity to purchase the optional Athene Income AspectSM rider with its Guaranteed Simple Interest Rate. Athene Income Aspect is a great solution for clients who:

•  Want to know exactly what they’re going to accumulate each year.
•  Want a strong performer for the initial accumulation years.
•  Want to take income earlier in their contracts, for example in 10 years.

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